My name is Forrest L. Keener. I am seventy four years old, and have spent my life, since age twenty five, in the ministry of the Gospel. During my nearly fifty year ministry I have preached in more than thirty states in the USA, three provinces in Canada, four states in Mexico, four states in India, and essentially all over the Philippine Islands. I served as pastor of Bethel Baptist Church, in Lawton Oklahoma, for Forty three years, from January of 1960 to January of 2003. At that time I resigned the pastorate to do full-time evangelistic work, as a missionary/evangelist, under the authority of that same church.
I believe, and preach, the doctrines of free and sovereign grace. I have written about forty Gospel Tracts, and about twenty books and booklets. I began a publication called The Baptist Watchman in 1974 . We published and distributed this eight page tabloid monthly, we distributed it free, for twenty nine years, and its circulation became world wide. This resulted in the organization of The Watchman Press, which has printed, assembled, and distributed printed materials world wide. During the last years that I published The Baptist Watchman, I did a short article each month which I entitled "Keener Thoughts." When I resigned the pastorate, and ceased to be editor of the Watchman, and even after it ceased to be published, in 2006, I had many requests to keep writing "Keener Thoughts." I have, therefore, done this via e-mail for the last couple of years, and now have been asked to do it via a Blog Spot. I will be distributing Keener Thoughts by both e-mail and blog now. I will also keep my current preaching itinerary published on the blog. This will let you know the areas where I will be preaching.
A major part of my life and ministry, during the last fifty years, has been careful Bible study. I have, by way of reading the printed page, daily spent much time in the classrooms of some of the most learned theologians the world has known. I have availed myself of the study and writings of some of the most recognized students, on most all issues of Bible doctrine, and more importantly, have purposed to digest their work, not just have it on my shelf. My purpose has not been to walk in the footsteps, or to echo the opinions, of any man, or group of men, but to learn the meaning of the Holy Scriptures. I have enjoyed the honor of being the guest speaker and classroom lecturer in a good many Bible Colleges. I have a total of eight degrees from some of these Bible Colleges, two are honorary and six are "earned." The integrity of these degrees must be left to the colleges which bestowed them, as must every human credential. In any event, all these paper certifications will wind up in someone’s trash, or storage bin, and will decay almost as soon as this old body. However, my prayer is that, contrary to these perishing certificates, I will have, by writing and teaching, committed some of my study, and teaching, to faithful men who will also teach others, thus perpetuating something of my life’s work.
Something I consider a most important part of my life’s work is "The Bible Institute of Correspondence." It is an institute designed for ministerial students. It comprises 96 college hours of serious Bible Study, which hours are recognized by several resident Bible Colleges across the country. It involves 384 outlines on major divisions of biblical study, and is accompanied by 384, forty-five minute, taped lectures, along with comprehensive tests which the student must pass. I spent many hundreds of hours, over a period of twenty years, completing this work. Several hundred students have studied in this institute, who are now pastors across the USA, and in several foreign countries, especially in the Philippine Islands. My prayer is that the labor of men furnished by this study may influence many to faith in Jesus Christ. This institute can be acquired at a very reasonable price, by contacting The Bible Institute of Correspondence, Bethel Baptist Church, 1902 NW Columbia, Lawton OK 71507. The phone number is 580 353 8014
Comment or critique is welcome. If I can be a spiritual blessing in any way please let me know.
In His service by grace alone,
Forrest L. Keener
I believe, and preach, the doctrines of free and sovereign grace. I have written about forty Gospel Tracts, and about twenty books and booklets. I began a publication called The Baptist Watchman in 1974 . We published and distributed this eight page tabloid monthly, we distributed it free, for twenty nine years, and its circulation became world wide. This resulted in the organization of The Watchman Press, which has printed, assembled, and distributed printed materials world wide. During the last years that I published The Baptist Watchman, I did a short article each month which I entitled "Keener Thoughts." When I resigned the pastorate, and ceased to be editor of the Watchman, and even after it ceased to be published, in 2006, I had many requests to keep writing "Keener Thoughts." I have, therefore, done this via e-mail for the last couple of years, and now have been asked to do it via a Blog Spot. I will be distributing Keener Thoughts by both e-mail and blog now. I will also keep my current preaching itinerary published on the blog. This will let you know the areas where I will be preaching.
A major part of my life and ministry, during the last fifty years, has been careful Bible study. I have, by way of reading the printed page, daily spent much time in the classrooms of some of the most learned theologians the world has known. I have availed myself of the study and writings of some of the most recognized students, on most all issues of Bible doctrine, and more importantly, have purposed to digest their work, not just have it on my shelf. My purpose has not been to walk in the footsteps, or to echo the opinions, of any man, or group of men, but to learn the meaning of the Holy Scriptures. I have enjoyed the honor of being the guest speaker and classroom lecturer in a good many Bible Colleges. I have a total of eight degrees from some of these Bible Colleges, two are honorary and six are "earned." The integrity of these degrees must be left to the colleges which bestowed them, as must every human credential. In any event, all these paper certifications will wind up in someone’s trash, or storage bin, and will decay almost as soon as this old body. However, my prayer is that, contrary to these perishing certificates, I will have, by writing and teaching, committed some of my study, and teaching, to faithful men who will also teach others, thus perpetuating something of my life’s work.
Something I consider a most important part of my life’s work is "The Bible Institute of Correspondence." It is an institute designed for ministerial students. It comprises 96 college hours of serious Bible Study, which hours are recognized by several resident Bible Colleges across the country. It involves 384 outlines on major divisions of biblical study, and is accompanied by 384, forty-five minute, taped lectures, along with comprehensive tests which the student must pass. I spent many hundreds of hours, over a period of twenty years, completing this work. Several hundred students have studied in this institute, who are now pastors across the USA, and in several foreign countries, especially in the Philippine Islands. My prayer is that the labor of men furnished by this study may influence many to faith in Jesus Christ. This institute can be acquired at a very reasonable price, by contacting The Bible Institute of Correspondence, Bethel Baptist Church, 1902 NW Columbia, Lawton OK 71507. The phone number is 580 353 8014
Comment or critique is welcome. If I can be a spiritual blessing in any way please let me know.
In His service by grace alone,
Forrest L. Keener
Hello Bro. Keener,
I am Nilo del Mundo, a pastor of a Mission in Riyadh Saudi Arabia. I am in close fellowship with Pastor Rogel Taban and Pastor Delfin. I just attended the BIC CONFERENCE in BANAWE, IFUGAO.
Hope we can talk because I have a lot of questions. Please send me your email address
site landmark baptist in Romania
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